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seem to possess some of our schools and
colleges. Individualism should have no
place in a college, which from its very
name is an association of fellows engaged
in a common pursuit, learning. It has
never done anything for the world. It is
opposed to that highest of all principles,
altruism, which has done so much for hu¬
manity. Indifference is sometimes mis¬
taken for a philosophical temperament
and great intellect. On the contrary, it
is nothing but rank stupidity, and, when
reduced to its ultimate analysis, is cold
What ought to be the attitude of the
school or college towards the team ? It
ought to be one of intense interest, of fe¬
verish and explosive enthusiasm—one that
gives to the eleven, nine, or crew the
whole-souled, hearty support of the col¬
lege, not one day, but every day in the
college calendar. There should be a pub¬
lic sentiment so strong as to bring out