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spirit in the team the college is largely
responsible ; and while the team may and
must contribute something, yet it can
never make up what the college fails to
give. What the college is, the team will
be. For the team is simply a part of the
college. If the college or school is in¬
different, the team that represents it will
be more or less so, according to the tem¬
perament of the individuals that compose
it. The college, like the larger world
about us, is composed of many nations.
Like the ancient or mediaeval world, it is
in a perpetual state of war. Each has its
little standing armies, that go forth year
after year in quest of fame and glory for
alma mater.
History shows that the nations which
have been the most efficient in fighting
power, whose armies have dazzled the
world by the brilliancy of their victories
and the extent of their conquests, are
those in which the citizens have been the