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in fundamentals each day. It will be im¬
possible to take them all up in one day,
but some can be taken up one day and
some another. They are easily forgotten
if not brushed up occasionally.
The first three weeks in October should
be largely devoted to position playing and
picking the team. The captains should
do all their experimenting within that pe¬
riod, and the men be conditionally decided
upon. Much straight football may be
learned in the meantime. In that period,
and that alone, should the coach be al¬
lowed to stop the play to coach the indi¬
vidual. " Wait a minute " can be allowed
then, but not later.
The team should have two practice
matches a week. These should make no
difference in the ordinary practice, except,
perhaps, when a pretty strong team is to
be played there should be a slight let-up
in the practice the day before, or no actual
playing at all. However, on those days