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left and a ball dropped at his
2. Passing and catching.
3. Sprinting starts.
4. Two-and-a-half-mile run for for¬
5. Kicking, catching for backs, cen¬
tre men snapping the ball, and
quarter passing.
6. Two-mile run for the backs.
4th Day.
1. Practice starting with the ball.
The centre men snap the ball,
back for squads. There should be
a good, sharp, hard sprint for fif¬
teen yards. The aim is to train the
eye so as to divine when the ball is
going, so as to be able to beat it.
2. Catching punted balls by forwards
and backs. Arrange these in
squads and have the kicking backs
punt to them. Begin with end
of line, and have each man to