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fore the end of the third week in October.
After this point in the season, the indi¬
vidual coaching should be done during
the intervals or let-ups in the practice,
or before or after practice. During the
period that should be given to the team the
old " Grads" come around, and the ten¬
dency is to neglect the team for the indi¬
vidual. The bulk of individual coaching
should be done in that part of the season
in which it should naturally come. If
the "Grads" come late in the season,
some arrangement should be made by
which they can coach the individual with¬
out interfering with the development of
the team.
So much in general. Now suppose
the season begins Monday, September
21st. At that date all candidates for
the eleven should report at the field pre¬
pared for work in fair physical condition.
The man who gets into good condition
thus early will find that he will have