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that if the back is never sent into the
line, there is no likelihood of injury at
What is needed in football is a method
of training which is neither the "killing
process" nor the drawing-room system, but
the happy medium. That happy medium,
to be effective, will necessarily be more
closely allied to the old than to the new.
It will be the old system. The "killing
process" is not the old system, but an
abuse of the old system.
The amount and kind of work a team
should do will perhaps be best considered
under mental training, as the two run into
each other naturally. The problem in
training is really how to do the work
necessary to learn the game without im¬
pairing the physical condition.
2. Mental Training.—By Mental Train¬
ing is simply meant the process of learn¬
ing the game. One broad rule may be
laid down for learning the game, and that