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the weaker individuals who are unfitted
for the game will be eliminated early
before the team is made up. The team
training on line A E, the new system, is
just as likely to be undertrained and lose
half of its best men before an impor¬
tant match is finished. The team trained
under the new system is more liable to
injuries, because there is a great deal
of friction and concussion in the game
among the players and between the play¬
ers and the earth; and to stand this
without risk of injury, the men must
have work enough to get hardened and
toughened, and to obtain a large amount
of endurance, since the intermediate
matches are just as hard, and ofttimes
more so, than the final one. As a mat¬
ter of actual observation, the latter is
unquestionably true.
A team trained under the new system
will play with considerable life and dash
while it lasts, but the team trained under