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marked Oct. 31st the physical condi¬
tion will be decidedly in favor of No. 1,
and, besides, it will know more football,
having played more. The difference in
physical condition will be the line C G.
Let them play Nov. 11th, the differ¬
ence in physical condition will be D F.
Suppose that No. 2 wins at point E
Nov. 21st, which is extremely unlikely,
No. 1 will have two victories to No. 2's
If the object be to win only the final
match, it seems that the old system will
be far better, as the No. 1 eleven must
know more football, having played more,
and will be in just as good condition. It
has been urged against the old system
that it is impossible to carry eleven men
from A to E in good condition ; that the
team as a whole will come to the final
game overtrained. The individual may
go below the line occasionally, but the
team as a whole must be better, because