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As to the proper style of training for an
eleven, perhaps no two persons have ex¬
actly the same ideas. But in general there
may be said to be two schools : the old and
the new, or the old style and the new
The old school is one of Herculean
labors and Spartan discipline. Its funda¬
mental principle is, " Six days shalt thou
labor." The idea of the old school is
physical development and bodily disci¬
pline. The idea of the new school seems
to be that sport is simply a recreation, and
has no other use. " Work as little as pos¬
sible" seems to be the new creed. Pe¬
riods of rest are emphasized rather than
periods of work. Three days shalt thou
labor, and then not too hard. The aim
of the new system is to train the men for
the final match, to bring them to the high¬
est physical condition by the end of the
season, which sounds rational enough.
And if there were only a single impor-