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five yards. That enables them, in case of
a fake kick, to get back to stop an end
run, or, in case it is a bona fide kick, to get
back so as to protect the backs catching
the ball. When the opposing team kicks
inside its own thirty-five-yard line, the
ends should break through with the other
forwards to help stop the kick.
(b) Particular Styles of Defence—The
University of Pennsylvania has a unique
and singular style of defence used by no
other eleven, so far as the writer knows.
Its point of difference lies in the play of
the tackle and the rush-line half-back.
When the ball starts, the half-back takes
the tackle, and literally hurls him through
the line on the inside of his man, while
the half and the end take the outside.
The scheme seems to work pretty well;
the tackle almost invariably gets through,
and, if the play has not advanced beyond
centre, is in a good position to stop it.
The hole between the guard and tackle