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cure any consistency or firmness in the
rush line, as the strength and power of
resistance of the rush line depends upon
the unity of the parts. It means simply
helping each other, or team play.
The tackles and guard will go through
on as small an arc of the circle as possible,
in order not to pull the line open. The
centre will hold his ground until he sees
that his position is not attacked, and then
take the nearest hole to the runner. The
rush-line half should stand just outside of
the tackle. The half should go through
between end and tackle, as a rule follow¬
ing close upon the end. The ground be¬
tween end and tackle is the most danger¬
ous. The half should be in a position to
help both end and tackle. If the runner
turns inside of end, the half should be
there to pick him up if he goes outside, he
having to run backward towards his own
goal in order to do so ; the half ought to be
able to reach him. The probability of the