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tack is to be made. Take a simple series
of numbers, as 12, 61, 83. Let the num¬
ber of the hole be the second digit of
the second number. The second num¬
ber of the above series is 61; the second
digit is 1; hence the signal 12, 61, 83
would indicate a play around the left
end. 23, 24, 46 would indicate a play
between left guard and centre.
A system with an index number is
often used. For example, let the index
number be 43 and the hole the second
digit of the first number after the index
number. The signal 10, 43, 88 would in¬
dicate a play around the right end, 8 being
the hole called for.
Or plays may be lettered, as is often
done. All formations should be num¬
bered or lettered in some way.
If the play called for does not indicate
which back is to carry the ball, the quar¬
ter-back should have a silent, visible sig¬
nal of some kind. Most often, the quarter