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drill, drill. It is important that every
man should know them thoroughly. They
ought to be second nature to him. They
should be perfectly clear to him the mo¬
ment given, so that there be no conscious
effort of the memory at all. Without
them there can be no concert of action
at all, and team play is absolutely impos¬
In the first place there must be a vocal
signal, as it is almost impossible for the
whole eleven to get a visible signal.
A very simple code is to number the
holes in the rush line from left to right,
or vice versa, and then disguise the hole
number by some simple combination of
figures. Number the holes as shown in
Diagram 11.
Diagram 11
1 o 2 o 3 04Q50 * o * o «
The hole number will indicate the
point in opponents' line where the at-