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the point of play is any point within op¬
ponents' twenty-five-yard line, it is well
to try a drop, especially if the game is close
and the result uncertain. Better try on
first down than make it a last resort, unless
ground - gaining is easy and chance of
touch-down is better.
The kicking game is nearer the original
game of football than any other. It has
other advantages besides that of ground-
gaining. It keeps opponents in their own
territory all the time ; it keeps them on
the defensive, whether they have the ball
or not. They must either kick or rush.
If they rush they show their strength. If
they use same tactics and kick, the rush¬
ing games of two teams being equal, the
superior kicker will win.
Besides, there is an element of uncer¬
tainty and chance in the game that lends
interest and enthusiasm. A muff or fum¬
ble may give an unexpected chance to
score. A successful on-side kick gains