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The quick kick and the bluff kick are
also in the same category—i.e.,belong to
the strategic game.
A new trick used last season for the
first time is the scrimmage kick. The
centre puts the ball down as if to snap it
back (the rule allows him to put the ball
into play by either kicking it forward or
snapping it back). Instead of snapping it
back, he kicks between the opponent's
legs. The object is to kick about ten
yards, although that is not necessary, since
the rule as to distance of kicks refers to
start-off, or when perhaps a kick is called
for. If the ball strikes an opponent and
the same side that kicked it gets the ball,
it is a first down, having been put on side
by touching an opponent.
The number of tricks possible is limited
only by the rules of the game. The cap¬
tain must werk them out for himself, but
it is hardly wise for him to act like a boy
with a new toy, and see how many things