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runner inside. The players can all see
the ball, and their advances to the point
where it falls should be converging lines
upon the catcher.
The only way to retain possession of
the ball after start-off is to kick it so
that it will roll slowly enough to allow
the rushers to follow it closely, and with
force enough to carry it only the required
distance. This was done by accident in
one great match, and was thought a very
good play. It is hard to make such a
play succeed ; and, besides, the possession
of the ball at that point is not so valuable
as to allow the other side to have it far¬
ther into their territory and try to block
their kick, as kick they must in order to
get out of the corner. Possession of the
ball is not always the thing to be desired.
Territory, distance, position, are to be con¬
X The Scrimmage.—Rule 1: " A Scrim¬
mage takes place when the holder of the