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game. He should leave that part of the
business to his coach or manager, who will,
of course, consult him upon all matters of
vital importance. The captain cannot do
Upon the beginning of the season, the
captain should call around him his ad¬
visers, and lay out his plans for the season.
The season opened, he should conduct
the practice and development of his team,
under the advice and help of his coaches.
He should not attempt to do all the coach¬
ing, but should play his own position, so
as to get used to his men and the men to
him. One thing might be said about the
matter of changing positions: the cap¬
tain should keep his old position. To
change is a waste of time and experience.
Two places on the team are weakened by
his change—the one he has left and the
one he has taken. In making the change,
he may not only cease to be the best man
on his team, but actually the worst one,