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own position in a faultless manner, or as
nearly so as possible. The best player on
the eleven, of course, is the most efficient
in a given position, brains (skill), brawn,
and sand considered.
Merit, and nothing else except merit,
should be considered in choosing a cap¬
tain. The questions to be asked about a
candidate for the position are: Has he
decided force of character ? Has he en¬
thusiasm and sand ? Has he the peculiar
ability to command ? Does he know the
game ? All things considered, is he the
best player on the eleven ?
The captain should be firm, not obsti¬
nate, and should have the unbounded con¬
fidence and support of his men. Fellow¬
ship, not friction; fight, not feuds, are his
object. He should study how to get the
best out of his men.
The captain should remember that his
first duty is on the field, not in conven¬
tions. Playing, and not politics, is his