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He impresses his team more than he is
impressed by it. If he be a careless, in¬
different sort of a player, his team will
play that kind of a game. On the other
hand, if he be a fearless, aggressive player,
his team acquires that spirit. Hence the
importance of the position and the care
to be exercised in his selection.
The captain should be a man of posi¬
tive force of character, with an ability to
handle men, a genius for leadership, and
with an enthusiasm that is contagious. A
thorough knowledge of the game, acquired
by long experience, of course is necessary.
To achieve the best results, the captain
should be the best player on the eleven.
He must command by example rather than
precept. He must be the real, not merely
the nominal and titular, head of the eleven.
Unless he knows his own game thorough¬
ly, he has no time to give to his duties as
captain. He cannot complain of the poor
playing of others unless he is playing his