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A quarter should remember that his
work is not done simply by giving the ball
to the back, but he must get into the in¬
terference and the push. When the ball
is passed to the full-back for a kick, the
quarter should follow up his pass, and
the moment the ball leaves his hand turn
quickly around to block the most danger¬
ous forward coming through the line to
stop the kick.
The quarter should follow the ball close¬
ly, and the moment it is down be ready
to start another play. He must press the
button. If he is slow and uncertain, the
offensive team play will be the same.
The quarter should know his repertoire
of plays, their relative strength at differ¬
ent points of the field, the weak spots (if
any) in the other side, the signals for all
his plays, and make up his mind instantly
which ,one to use or where to direct his
attack and send the play right off. This
requires quick judgment as well as good