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right away from the centre, delivering the
ball to the back with one motion of body
and arm. If the ball is to go to the full¬
back for a kick, it should be an under¬
hand pass ; if to a back for an end run, it
should be a toss ; if for a centre play, the
ball should be handed to the back.
When the ball is snapped end over end,
the quarter-back takes an entirely differ¬
ent position. He should stand squarely
behind the centre, both feet being nearly
on a line. He should stand near enough
to the centre to take the ball on the first
bound, just the moment before the ball
reaches the point where it begins to fall.
His distance is about from two to three
feet. If the quarter stands farther back,
this snap is slower than the previous one,
and its principal advantage, quickness,
offset. The passes are made just as from
the other snap.
The ball is received from the centre
just as a " pick-up " is made. No adjust-