Page 149
valuable. The line through the centre" is
a straight line, and therefore the shortest
distance to the required five yards, as will
be seen from Diagram 4, the base of a
Diagram 4
______________________ft__________C________ D 3YrtU~.
-o---o oal o/jsr^^cr
o g^o
right-angled triangle being always shorter
than the hypothenuse. Besides, if you
can force the centre you demoralize the
other side a good deal more than by an
occasional long run around the end.
When a kick is called for, the full-back
should not leave his position for the kickĀ¬
ing distance twelve or fifteen yards back
of the line until the last moment, when he
can get back in time to take the ball and
boot it down the field. It takes the other