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The full-back should be chosen almost
solely for his ability to kick. Other qual¬
ifications are desirable, to be sure, but the
ability to kick is the prime requisite. He
should be a well built, strong - legged,
active, and speedy fellow, perfectly cool
and fearless. Weight should be about the
same as that of half-back. The prelim¬
inary training of the full-back should be
one long continuous kick. By constant
practice only can he acquire skill in this
branch of the game. At the same time,
other fundamentals must not be neg¬
lected. Catching will come with the
Tackling is perhaps the next in impor¬
The full-back must ofttimes kick in the
midst of the opposing rushers, and it takes
a cool head, steady nerve, and strong leg
to get the ball away. He must catch a
punt with the opposing rushers all around
him, when to muff means a touch-down