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Whether on the offence or the defence,
the three backs should play together as
much as possible, so as to understand each
other and how best to help each other.
The backs should play in the same position
as much as possible, in order to acquire
the highest efficiency in that position.
If a man plays left half he should keep
in that position, and the same is true of
right half and full-back.
6. Full-Back.—No player has cut so much
ice in the winning or losing of big matches
in the last two seasons as the full-back.
The holding of big teams to small scores
by inferior ones has been largely owing to
good men in this position.
Hence the growing appreciation of the
demands of this position and its vital im¬
portance to the success of the eleven.
Kicking, to-day, has come to be a part of
the offensive game, and full-back conse¬
quently the biggest ground-gainer of all
the backs.