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into the line and out again, so as to keep
the opposing tackle guessing, at the same
time be able to back up end if necessary.
As to whether a half-back should break
through or play as a safety man is a much
mooted question. If the line is Aveak and
the half-back is able to do rush-line work
without injuring his running game, there
is some reason for going through. On
the other hand, if the line is strong and
the backs are light and fragile, they should
play more of a safety game. It seems
best, in any event, that in the early jiart
of the season the backs should play safety,
and allow the forwards to rely upon them¬
selves and do their own work, thus saving
backs for offensive work. In the final
matches, if the team is well balanced for¬
ward and rear in the line and behind the
line, the defence will be doubly strength¬
ened by having the backs go through.
When the opposing side kicks, one of
the backs should go back to help full-back