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"Keep your feet," "hold the ball"
and "run like a streak," "struggle for
the last inch," are very good things for
backs to remember. When his own side
is going to kick, the back should remem¬
ber that a large measure of the success of
this attempt rests upon him. His busi¬
ness then is to block, and block hard and
desperately, as he is generally the last pro¬
tection of the kicker. That being done,
one of the backs should look out for a re¬
turn, while the full and the other back go
down the field.
The work of the half-back on the de¬
fence is more or less according to the
scheme of defence. Just how much a
back will have to do will depend largely
upon the efficiency of the forwards.
The place for the backs to play is just
a little outside of tackle, so as to be able
to help him and to protect the flank of
line. Ofttimes a half may help the tackle
through clean by suddenly stepping up