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forming a basket or angle, and then grap¬
ple it to you with both hands. The high-
running line-breaker would, of course,
take the ball under one arm and use the
other in warding off. For runs around
the end, the ball should be carried un¬
der one arm. Just how to carry it so as
to prevent an opponent from relieving
you of the ball must be acquired by
practice. One suggestion, perhaps, will
help. Do not carry the ball too far under
the arm. The ball should be carried so
that it can be shifted in order to use
nearest arm to ward off would-be tacklers.
The great trouble with backs is that they
do not use the arm nearly enough. It
is surprising how many tacklers can be
warded off by using that arm like a pis¬
ton-rod against every man that comes up.
In line - breaking, the back should re¬
member to keep his feet and fight for the
last inch of ground. If he can only keep
his feet and give his own side a chance to