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bend his neck so that he can see and take
his holes cleanly. If he goes at the line
in a blind, bull fashion, he is likely to
bump into his own forwards. He should
play intelligently, and look where he is
going. Some great line-breaking halves
have used just the opposite manner of go¬
ing through the middle of the line. They
run as high as if they were going round
the end. If the hole is clear when they
reach the line, of course they take it
cleanly, and come through in a position
for a second burst of speed. If they find
a pile in the hole, they hurdle it, if pos¬
sible. The low, plunging half-back will
gain something; the high runner and
hurdler may gain a great deal. For the
beginner, the low method is perhaps the
better. It is certainly the more orthodox.
Carrying the Ball.—Going through the
middle of the line, it is best to carry the
ball in both hands. Take the ball in the
pit of the stomach, the legs and trunk