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Standing starts and short dashes are also
invaluable as preliminary practice.
The position of the halves, their group¬
ing in relation to each other when on the
offence, must all be determined by the
style of the play to be executed.
As to the form of the half-back, it
should be such as will not give away the
direction in which he intends to run, yet
such as will enable him to start instanter
upon the snap of the ball or signal. Many
of the best backs give away the point of
attack by unconscious glances and move¬
ments, a thing that should be studious¬
ly avoided. False starts are also to be
guarded against, as they spoil the whole
play and slow up the game.
The backs should take as nearly as pos¬
sible the same position in the given play
every time. The body should be angular
in form, and carried well forward, much
like the position of the standing start of
a sprinter, with this difference, that the