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by some writers. But no centre, standing
however much like the Colossus of Rhodes,
can hold his own against a man of equal
weight and strength. There is nothing to
prevent his going over backwards. The
centre should never stand flat-footed. His
body should be carried forward enough to
bring him on the toe of his rear foot and
the ball of the forward one; the advanĀ¬
tage being that he wili be quicker in startĀ¬
ing into his man to block him, and he
will be able to recover himself should his
man get into him first. The feet should
be at right angles to the gridiron lines.
That is, the centre should stand perfectly
square. He cannot start quickly with his
feet at any other angle. If the toe of the
rear foot is oblique to gridiron lines, it
must be brought at right angles before he
can start.
The snap should be made with the left
arm, that being sufficiently strong for the
purpose. Then the right should bo kept