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aimed at centre, and the whole force of
opponents can be concentrated against
them quicker than against any other
part of the line. Slow, clumsy, awkward
guards, while they may stop centre plays
all right, yet they are absolutely of no use
in backing up the tackle and ends.
A guard should weigh 185 to 200 pounds.
If the weight is well distributed over a six-
foot-six man, perhaps 210 will not be too
As to height, a tall, angular man with
weight is preferable to a short one, as he
can better protect his quarter-back with¬
out standing so high as to weaken his own
position, and is generally more active. A
big six-footer will cover with his body a
great deal of the territory a small man must
cover with his head and feet. Of course,
all of these proportions are not to be found
every day. These are merely ideal, so to
speak, and in forming your team the
garment must be cut to suit the cloth.