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on the lookout for a fake kick. If he
only has the possibility in mind, he will
be prepared for the emergency. He should
keep his body well forward and arms ex¬
tended, so as to be able to sift through
and avoid men protecting the kick. Just
as the kicker is about to boot the ball,
tackle should spring into the air with
arms extended in line with the kick, and
opposite the kicking leg if possible. If
the ball hits the body it will bound back,
and tackle should follow it as if it were
a matter of life and death. If it strikes
hand or arm it will be deflected, and his
side will have' an equal chance for the
When a booted ball strikes tackle—or any
forward, for that matter—he should never
cry " on side," as is often done, because his
side is on one side anyway, and it is only
a cue for the other side. Failing to block
the kick, the tackle should block the full¬
back or kicker, knock him down, so as to