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back and into the play. His next best
plan to meet it is to go down in front
of it good and stiff and pile it up. He
should go into the mass head and shoul¬
ders or sideways, but never, upon any pre¬
text, turn his back to it.
In defending his territory against trick
plays, the best and only advice that can
be given to a tackle is to keep his eyes
open, notice the alignment of the oppos¬
ing backs, the way they stand, their
facial expression and movement, and try
to divine which way the ball is going. If
they are green, some one is more than
likely to give it away. The moment the
ball starts, watch the ball ; it does not
matter which way the other fellows run.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
When the opposing side is going to
kick, the tackle should spread a little, so
as to give himself a better chance of get¬
ting through, and the quarter and rush-
line half also. He should, moreover, be