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ground at once, and near enough so that
the quarter can steer him into the openĀ¬
ing made.
When his own side is going to kick, the
tackle should block his man long enough
to prevent his stopping the kick, and ther>
got down the field so as to help the ends
prevent a return. The tackle should go
nearly straight, so as to protect the centre
of field, the ends taking care of the sides.
The tackle should judge where the ball
is to fall solely by the movements of the
opposing backs. He has no time to look
back, as an end has, because he starts
later, and is generally not so fast a man.
The tackle on side of the kicking foot
of the back should always remember to
block longer, as danger of a blocked kick
is greatest from that side.
The great bulk of the tackle's work is
on the defensive. In the first place, he
should remember that he must be in reĀ¬
ality what he is in name, a tackle. His