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give one the foot or arm, and go into the
other hard and strong with his shoulder.
If his man should get through, he should
follow him up and keep him out of the
On plays through and around the other
side of the line, the tackle should mo¬
mentarily block his man, and then get into
the push or interference.
When the tackle himself takes the ball,
he should be careful not to give his in¬
tention away. He should, without no¬
tice, shift his position and bring ljis feet
pretty close together, to enable him to
start quickly. He should take off by
giving his tackle a push in his chest with
the open hand. The end should go into
the opposing tackle the moment his own
tackle takes off, so as to prevent his op¬
ponent from following.
In running, the tackle should describe
as small a circle as possible, and take near¬
est hole or hole signalled for, so as to gain