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in Section 5, Chapter I., in Blocking, will
be found pretty effective.
The tackle should be carefully drilled
in the fundamentals blocking and break¬
ing through until the principles are thor¬
oughly mastered. He will need them
more than any other forward.
The offensive work of the tackle de¬
pends largely upon the play and his assign¬
ment in it. In a general way. in plays
through his side he should block hard
and low and make his holes clean and
In blocking, the tackle should always
take the man nearest the centre, as he is
the nearest to the starting-point of the
play, and therefore the most dangerous.
In that case, he should call in his end
to take his man. Occasionally a tackle
will have to block his own man, and a
quarter or half that comes up in the line,
the moment the play starts, without any
warning whatever. In that case, he should