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He should meet the interference with
body well forward, the arms extended
straight and stiff, so as not to be hit by the
interference. He should force it in tow¬
ards the tackle as near as possible, and
the moment it turns is his time to nab the
runner. He should be careful, in meet¬
ing the interference,to keep a little to the
outside of it. The end should not go
through the interference unless he is sure
that the runner has turned inside and of
getting him, or that his supporting back
is on the outside. Some ends run in and
then drop upon their knee, allowing the
interference to pass by and then grabbing
the runner; but it seems best for a man to
always keep on his feet—he may have to
chase the runner.
In plays through the middle of the line
or in a pile up, the ends should keep out
of the scrimmage, so as to be sure that
the runner does not come out of the pile.
What the end should do when the other