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to ward off the blocker whose business it is
to put you out of the way. Never let*an
interferer touch you. Keep him off by
using your arms. Injuries from mass plays
may be avoided by never allowing such a
play to reach you with you on your feet.
If it does you are bound to go over on
your back or be doubled up under it.
Dive into it, before it reaches you, with
your head and shoulders, and then hug
the ground flat. Do not attempt to stop
a mass play by standing up against it.
Piling On.— Some injuries occur in the
pile. But they are needless. A player
has only to keep his legs out behind him,
and as close to the bottom as possible.
Stretch out. Don't resist after resistance
is useless. Collisions upon the field can
always be avoided by a man's looking where
he is going, or going where he is looking.
There is another class of injuries from
tackling. The man doing the tackling
will avoid injury by making his tackle