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dragging like an anchor, and the struggle
or impetus of the runner in the opposite
direction brings him down.
There is also a Side Dive Tackle, where
the runner and tackier meet at right an¬
gles. The tackier should dive so as to get
his head and shoulders in front of the run¬
ner, or across the line of his direction, and
get his arms well around him; then roll¬
ing over so that his body or chest shall
impede the runner's progress, if he should
shake him. (See Fig. 17 ) Remember, the
rule is to tackle low, hard, and sure. There
is nothing that gives a player more real
pleasure than a good tackle. This is the
only way to stop the progress of the ball,
and give his own side a chance to advance
it. Every tackle is your tackle. You
must get every runner.
9. Avoiding Injuries.—Injuries in foot¬
ball result either from unnecessary rough¬
ness or accident. Those resulting from
the former may be easily eliminated. No