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should allow his opponent to make the
holes himself, if possible, by "- foxing" him
away from where the hole is called for,
then blocking him in or out, as the neces¬
sity requires. But it will be generally im¬
possible to do this with experienced play¬
ers. The forward should manoeuvre for
the advantageous position, which is on the
side of the man where the hole is called
for, but not giving it away. Then he
should get lower than the man in front of
him, unless his opponent gets his nose on
a line with his knees. If he can get lower
than his man, he should lift him up and
shove him back, and out or in, as necessity
requires. If he cannot get under him, he
should try to pull him forward on his face,
so that the backs can hurdle him. In or¬
der to make his power effective, he should
start before the man in front of him. Lis¬
ten for the signal for the starting of the
ball, if there is such a signal. Go into your
man hard and strong. Get your body,