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ment is down, forward, and up. The next
thing is to block with the body. The arm
is not strong enough to block with, and
should not be used except as a last resort.
Do not reach too far with the body. Keep
your feet under you, so that you can
change your position quickly enough to
follow your man. The ideal position is to
get the body across your opponent's path
in the line in which he is directing his
attempt to get through. A rough idea of
good blocking is given in Fig. 13.
G. Making Holes. — Closely connected
with the blocking is Making Holes. Both
properly belong to the offensive game.
Forwards should remember that the backs
cannot gain ground except around the
line or through the line. Around the
line, in most cases, resolves itself into
through it. Hence the importance of
making holes. The player should take
his position the same as in blocking; for
blocking is making holes. The rusher