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sary to avoid a forward who has broken
through; then he should step to the
side. Some backs take a step towards the
rush line, but this is too dangerous and
takes a longer time, and so increases the
chances of the kick being stopped. The
ball should be adjusted quickly, the lac¬
ings being turned up, or out, away from
the point of contact of ball with the instep.
There are three methods in vogue of hold¬
ing the ball for a straight-leg punt.
One way is to place the right hand un¬
der the lower end and fingers of the left
hand on the upper end, holding the ball
either vertically or diagonally, with upper
end canting away from the body as in
Fig. 9. Second : Hold the ball by plac¬
ing one hand on each side, lacings up, the
ends pointing to and from the body, the
inner end being higher than the outward
one, the ball slanting downward, as in Fig.
10. The third is just the reverse of the
second, the end near to the body being