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Fig. 6. If ho should fall upon his right
side, the ball would of course hit his back.
If upon his face, the ball will go either
under or over him. With a ball moving
towards him from the left, the conditions
are reversed and he has only to reverse
the preceding rule.
A Dead Ball. — Of course the ball is
very seldom dead in a game, but it may
sometime occur that twenty-two men are
after a ball that has nearly lost all motion.
In that case, the most skilful man at div¬
ing upon the ball will be more than likely
to get it, because a man can reach a ball
when in diving distance quicker than he
could run the same distance. The player
should run to within about one and a half
times his length from the ball and then
leave tho ground, the same as a swimmer
making a dive, care being taken to land
upon the ball, to offset the force of gravity.
Diving for the ball is fairly illustrated in
Figs. 7 and 8. He should not leap too high