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and given to the back just where he is
used to carrying it; if in the groin, place
it there ; if under the arm, put it under
his arm. He has no time to place it him¬
2. Catching.—As a rule, the ball should
be caught with the arms and the body.
The backs may be allowed much latitude
in the matter. In fact, the more of a
baseball catch they can make, the more
quickly can they return the ball, in case
of a punt (or touch to the ground, to run),
or place it into the carrying arm, for a run.
For the forward, the ball should be
caught in one of two ways: first, take
the ball, whether punted or thrown, on
either side, letting the arm on the side
where you catch the ball be under the
ball, and the other arm and hand hooked
over the upper end of the ball, as shown
in Fig. 3.
Second, a punted or thrown ball may
be caught by receiving the ball in the