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The student must go to the laboratory
for the major part of his knowledge. The
laboratory of football is the gridiron. If
the reader would learn the game, an hour
or so a day of work on the field will be
required. The most that can be offered
herein will be a few hints and directions.
Football as a science divides itself nat¬
urally into the Individual and the Team.
The Individual may be subdivided into
Fundamentals and Position Play. Funda¬
mentals comprehend Passing, Catching,
Dropping on the Ball, Kicking, Blocking,
Making Holes, Breaking Through, Tack¬
ling. Under this head the Saving of In¬
juries would also naturally come. By Po¬
sition Play is meant End, Tackle, Guard,
Centre, Quarter-Back, Half-Back, Full-
Back, and Captain.
Team is divided chiefly into two parts :
the Offence and Defence. The offence
comprises the Direct Attack (what is
know as Straight Football), the Indirect