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Football is more like military science
than any other. It has been well called
"a game of war." The training of the
individual is not unlike that of the sol¬
dier. The player must understand the
fundamentals of catching, passing, drop¬
ping, etc., the same as the soldier does
his manual of arms. He must learn
position playing—end, tackle, half-back,
etc.—the same as the soldier that of pri¬
vate, sergeant, captain. The whole body
considered, the eleven must know it.?
plays, direct and strategic, just as the
company or battalion its marches and
counter-marches. Offensive and defen¬
sive tactics are equally necessary to both.
Superb generalship is just as requisite for
the former as the latter. The rigid disci¬
pline of the army is the discipline of the
Football has this in common with all
other sciences: that only so much can be
learned from the books and blackboard.