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an humble, holy walk with God, had gone
to the grave with brighter evidence of
meeting Christ at hfis coming in glory,
than Jacob Hodges.
In the month of May last, the anni
versary of the American Prison Discipline
Society was held in the city of Boston
I was invited to be present, in conse
quence of my past relation and intimate
acquaintance with Jacob.
Jacob's "prison Bible," which he had
Dequeathed to his friend, Mr. Dwight,
arrived just before the exercises were
commenced. This was the Bible which
had been the only companion of his
dreary cell. The only book he ever read.
That Bible, which had rested by his head
while he slept, " that had guided him to
Christ; dear to him almost as his own
soul." It was hold up before a crowded
congregation; it demanded no supersti
tious reverence, as a consecrated relic, but
deeply impressed upon every beholdet
the preciousness and power of the truth