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anticipated but a very few hours I saw
him on Monday, and had much conversa¬
tion with him, though without any suspi
cion of the nearness of his end. H
referred to the lectures which I had been
delivering weekly, for some months' past
on Christian experience, and said they
had been greatly serviceable to him, He
told me that he had been led by them t<?
go over the whole ground again, and to
examine himself, to use his own language,
' all over anew, from beginning to end,
to see whether he was on the sure founda¬
" ' Well, Jacob,' I said, ' and what is
your conclusion ?'
" ' I think,' he replied, < that it is all
right, master.'
" ' Then you think,' I continued,' that
you are running no risk, if you die now?'
' ' Not any,' was his prompt reply,
Christ is able and faithful.'
" To one who went into his room, the
last morning of his life, to ask how he