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me. His reply was, that it seemed almost
the same as if he was preaching the gos¬
pel, when he was helping his minister.
" There is an anecdote of him, highjy
illustrative of his character, which, though
a proper place has not seemed to occur
for it in this hurried sketch, I am unwill¬
ing to omit, because it shows so strikingly
his feelings on a subject, in relation to
which every Christian ought continually
to examine himself. Some two years ago
he had a violent attack of the same dis¬
order (inflammation of the lungs) of which
he died; and it was supposed then that he
could not recover. In one of the many
delightful interviews which I had with
him, I recollect to have asked him this
mestion, ' Are you quite sure, Jacob, that
you hate sin?' I never can forget the
earnestness of his manner, and the pecu¬
liar expression of his eye, as he rose up
quick in his bed and stretching out his
arms, exclaimed, ' Master, I dp hate my
very flesh on account of sin.'
' His death, at the time it occurred, was