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Attendance upon the means of grace
became much increased, and some were
found anxiously inquiring for the way of
life. A day was set apart for fasting and
special prayer. We met in the lecture
room at noon. The meeting was full, but
it was heavy and lifeless. Just before
dismissing the congregation, with feelings
of deep depression and discouragement, I
turned to Jacob and asked him if Tie had
nothing to say to us ? He rose instantly,
saying,' Yes, master.' And a more elo¬
quent address than that which followed,
if I may judge from my present recollec¬
tion of it, or from the effect which it pro¬
duced, I do not think ever fell from the
lips of a mortal. I wish I could recall it
He began somewhat in this way, as he
rose in answer to my invitation, 'Yes,
master. When I was praying in my
chamber, this morning, and trying to get
ready for this meeting, it seemed to me
just as if my Saviour spake to me, and
said, 'Jacob, 1 want you to speak for me
to-day to the people; and now, my dear